Springfest 2k2The Jacksonville Student Alliance is sponsoring the Springfest Arts Festival and are looking for singers, dancers, poets, spiritual interpretations, jazz ensembles, etc. to perform at this event, which will be held on April 12. If you or a group would like to participate, email jsa_famu94@hotmail.com or contact Sharonda Neal at 915-4981.
Adopt-A-GrandparentDue to popular demand, the FAMU chapter of Adopt-A-Grandparent has decided to host one last interest meeting on April 9 at 7 p.m. in Jackson Davis, room 305. For more information, contact Nicole Symmonds at 350-0320.
Black Empowerment SymposiumWhat is it like to be black on Wall Street? Is it possible to break the glass ceiling? Please join the C.F.O. for their Black Empowerment Symposium on April 10 at 5 p.m. for a discussion about these issues. Featured guests include Senior Black executives from JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup. For more information and to RSVP, please contact Alicia Board at 264-1115 or rae_board@yahoo.com.
“Manage your career in a changing environment”Attention Seniors! A cluster is coming! Experienced Senior human resources representatives will be in the Grand Ballroom on April 11 at 10 a.m. Following will be a student reception with various corporate representatives at 7 p.m., to let you know how to “manage your career in a changing environment.” For more information, contact Attayah Ali at 264-5606.
Journey MagazineStudents interested in Editor in Chief for the 2002-2003 school year, come and submit your resume, cover letter, and writing samples to room 307A Tucker Hall. This is a paid position. Deadline for applying is April 12. For more information, contact Adrian Parker at 580-6016.
Presidential ScholarsThe last meeting of the Presidential Scholars Association will take place on April 10 at 6:30 p.m. in the Perry Paige Auditorium. Elections for next year’s E-board will take place at this time. Any Presidential Scholar is welcome to come out to the meeting.
Student Alliance for Cultural DevelopmentThe Student Alliance for Cultural Development invites students, faculty and the community to join us for a lively discussion led by Brother Corey Johnson. The theme for this event is “What really happened on 9/11-Part II.” The event will be held in GEC-C 301A on April 12. For more information, contact Tequila Davis at 321-8293.
Tampa Bay Club meetingCalling all students from Tampa, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Lakeland and surrounding areas. The Tampa Bay Area Club will be hosting its last general body meeting of the semester on April 10 at 8 p.m. in Tucker Hall room 200. Voting for the 2002-2003 officers will take place at this meeting. For more information, email Karimah Bell at TampaBayAC@hotmail.com.
Student Senate positionsThe 31st Student Senate announces available positions for the 2002-2003 school year. Applications are available in SGA for senate communications secretary, senate secretary, activities coordinator, and the H. Manning Efferson Student Union Board chair. Applications are due April 12 by 5 p.m. in Senator Aziza Bowser’s box in SGA. For more information, please call 599-3624.
GSA ElectionsMandatory meeting on April 11 from 4:30-6 p.m. in 400 Tucker Hall, for all those interested in running for a position in the GSA. The last meeting and voting will be held on April 16 from 4:30-6 p.m. in the Perry Paige Auditorium. For more information, contact Nashay at 599-3315 or email at NashayPnd@aol.com or ZWMS@hotmail.com.
Homecoming 2002 Theme SelectionAfter a careful selection by the homecoming committee, the top five themes are: “Strike Fest 2k2,” “Rattleration-2k2 Building a University one rattler at a time,” “Moving the vision to the next level”, “F.A.N.G. 2002-Famuans Achieving New Goals,” and “Rattler Stride, Rattler Pride.”
South Carolina Club meetingSouth Carolina CLub will have a meeting on April 10 at 8 p.m. in Tucker Hall room 104. For more information, contact Courtney Harris at 915-4847.
Occupational Therapy The division of Occupational Therapy celebrates April as Occupational Month. Celebration festivities for the month will be April 8-11 throughout the day on the Set and the Open House will be April 10 from 4-6:30 p.m. in Banneker TEC-C building. Free gifts will be given during Celebration Week and free food during Open House. For more information, contact Bridget Stewart at 599-3879.
WALKAMERICAThe FAMU “March of Dimes” will participate in the city-wide WALKAMERICA culmination activity. The Chairperson and Coordinators are soliciting contributions from employees and students and encouraging as many as possible to walk. The deadline for making contributions is not later than noon on April 11. The WALKAMERICA registration starts at 9 a.m. on April 13, the FAMU team picture will be taken at that time. The walk will began at 10 a.m. For more information, contact Rose Glee at 412-7232.
Alpha Phi OmegaThe Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity will have their Probate show on April 8 at 2:25 p.m. on the Set. For more information, contact Greg Bradley at 915-5465.
Free Computer ClassesImprove computer literacy with free computer classes. Walk-ins are welcome. Topics include Microsoft Word, excel, Powerpoint and the internet. The classes will be held Mondays and wednesdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at FAMU DRS.
Compiled by Chanel Myers