I want to share my experiences with the student body and hopefully wash away any mindsets that say you can’t run for your dreams.
Last month, I ran for Miss Florida Agriculture and Mechanical University (saying the full name makes you sound more intelligent).
During that month, I was deeply saddened after talking to a young man I believe has all the potential to be an incredible Mr. FAMU. He cares about FAMU, he’s intelligent, articulate, plus he’s handsome. He even admitted he would like to serve as Mr. FAMU.
However, he said he would never run because he wasn’t a part of a Greek organization, and would never stand a chance.
That hit me hard.
I thought, “What other students don’t run because of this or other false reasoning or assumptions?”
Running for or holding a Royal Court or SGA position is about one thing: serving this campus. If that is your heart’s number one desire, I say go for it.
I had never been part of the Royal Court. I had never been a member of SGA. I’m not part of a sorority. But, I did have a heart committed to serve current and future students of FAMU.
I admit, deciding to run for Miss FAMU was not easy. I had a lot of counsel from friends, a lot of mind-battles, “I’m running, I’m not running, Yes, I’m not running” and even tears.
But when I finally took my eyes off myself and asked, “How can I be used to positively affect this campus? How can I help change students’ lives?” I experienced a deep peace about running for Miss FAMU and went for it.
If I can do it, anyone can. You won’t ever regret it.
The week of campaigning held some of my most precious moments at FAMU. Connecting with students, sharing my vision for FAMU, and speaking destiny made my decision to run all worth it. It also meant facing my biggest fears, the pageant.
I kept myself locked in a gym throughout high school and was more concerned with benching my weight than walking pretty.
Boy, that caught up with me.
The first day of pageant practice I wanted to go hide in the bathroom after the announcement that we were about to individually do our runway walk.
The pageant coordinators were going to critique us, and the dance routine. “God, help me” was my favorite line. Definitely not blessed with natural dancing ability, I finally got the 60-second dance routine a day before the pageant.
But I did it, and I got through it. And I would not trade the week of campaigning for anything in the world. I hope that every student will run for his or her heart’s desire.
If that desire is to be junior attendant or the next student body president, why not go for it?
The only qualification you need is a heart to serve.
Angie Green is a junior newspaper journalism student from Gainesville. She can be reached at angiefamu@yahoo.com