I find myself cringing when a woman brings a rape case against a celebrity. The latest one has been brought against already-convicted rapist Mike Tyson. Although little is known about the accusations from two separate women, opinions are already being formed.
The most common one is the old, tired “She’s lying; she really wanted it,” battle cry, followed by “She just wants some money.”
I rarely ever recall a woman receiving money from a rape case, seeing that rape isn’t exactly a civil crime.
If times ever got hard enough, I could see myself jumping in front of Dan Marino’s car, but not just making up a lie about being violated.
Why is it usually assumed that a woman is lying when she reports that she’s been raped? Now, maybe people are watching too much Real World and assume that such cases bring forth sympathy and attention. Contrary, having to step forward and state that you were sexually assaulted – especially in the black community – isn’t the good time that people may want to believe.
I recall my own encounter with the FAMU police department just last semester, after a young man tried (I stress the word ‘tried”) to get me to do things against my will.
Nothing makes you feel safer and more loved than smirking, eye-rolling cops asking questions like, “What were you wearing?” “How well did you know him?” and “Are you sure this was a sexual attack?”
No, officer, it wasn’t a sexual attack. I just jump out of moving vehicles for the hell of it – it does so much for my diving, and adds even more lovely scars to my legs!
I think the saddest conversation I’ve ever had was with a group of women one day.
We all agreed that the consequences of coming forth with an accusation of rape against a celebrity would just not be worth it.
The damage to our personal lives would be too great a burden.
I wonder if women feel this is true when the rapist is just a common guy. After all, the first thing that comes into question is the woman’s sexual history, her way of dress, and the way she carries herself.
No wonder so many rapes go unreported every year.
You know what the sad thing is? If I carry a box cutter to my next date and wind up having to use it, I’ll be the one that gets arrested.
J. Danielle Daniels, 20, is a sophomore political science student from Dallas. She can be contacted at rattlerbrat@hotmail.com. She serves as the Deputy Opinions Editor.