People tend to be gung ho about criticism until they’re the targets. Since
my freshman year at FAMU, I’ve always had a knack for making at least one person or organization upset with something that I’ve written.
Let’s run down the resume.
During the fall of 2000 as an assistant, Ms. Regina Stone and I tried to do a story on President Humphries, but received “negative vibes,” shall we say. There are the constant disagreements between the Student Government Association and the Famuan, but think about it, have the United States government and the press ever been on good terms? Most recently, last semester I compiled a Top Ten List in the Opinions Section that was suspected as being the cause of thousands of Famuan newspapers being stolen. Yeah, a brother has a little bit of a history.
Anyway, since I’ve caused so much commotion unintentionally, I figured we might as well start a column that will start controversy on purpose.
Beginning with the Jan. 24 issue, and running every other Thursday, the Famuan will introduce it’s first ever, Renegade column. The inspiration for the title came from the chorus of a song with the same name by Jay-Z featuring Eminem.
Also, it helps when I have an assistant, Ms. J. Danielle Daniels, who’s just as opinionated as me, probably more.
Florida A&M University is going through a major transition right now. There are buildings springing up all over campus with “tentative” dates tobe completed. We have a university committee that has shown a lack of concern for the student opinion, a committee that’s promising a qualified, permanent president by March. Also, we have an interim president determined to make progress in the university’s most criticized institution – financial aid.
This column will say the things that students feel need to be said publicly, but for whatever reason, it’s not.
Now when people question something I write in the Opinions Section, I can just say, “Yeah, I meant to do that!” Peace.
Antione Davis, 20, is a junior newspaper journalism student from Tampa. He can be reached at He serves as the Famuan Opinions Editor.