“The student government has made their presence known. I truly believe that they are doing a great job. “- Charles Stennis, 22, senior, political science, Chicago
“SGA needs to have more representation from other organizations. They are not as active as they should be. But, I do believe they held up to their promises.- Lenn Eichelberger, 22, senior, music education, Miami
“I see them involved on campus, but I wish SGA could help with increasing parking spaces.” – Latresia Fair, 18, freshman, pharmacy, Miami
“Although I have not seen them around, I really like their radio show on Friday mornings. “- Ken Stevens, 23, Graduate Student, Miami
“I think the SGA is doing a good job. So far, I like the activities they have put on this semester. I also think their activites have been informational.”- Kacey Alexander, 17, freshman, physical therapy, New Orleans