The Northern Alliance captured the city of Kabul Tuesday.
Children played in the streets and teenagers enjoyed music for the first time since the Taliban took control of the streets and radio.
It was a joyous defeat for the anti-Taliban organization.
The southern regions of Ghazni and Wardak have aslo reported anti-Taliban uprisings.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair urged groups to “join the uprising against the Taliban and throw off their oppressive rule.”
The airport in Kandahar and the city of Jalalabad are also under Northern Alliance control.
United States jets bombed the hide outs of Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda terrorist network. The area south of Jalalabad and Khost which is near the Paskistani border were ponded with airstikes.
Community leaders urged the Taliban to abandoned Kabul “in return for safe passage with their weapons.”
“They have been interdicting the main roads that connect the north to the south to see what’s going on and to stop people that they think ought to be stopped,” said Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.
The CIA is now in a fierce campaign to turn the Pashtun fore runners of the Taliban against themselves in order to gain more power in the war against terrorism.
Since the urban areas of Afghanistan are Taliban free, they are now threatening the opposing forces with guerilla war fare.
Mullah Omar, head of the Taliban movement, supossedly said in a radio address to resist in the name of Islam.
Those who do not are “just like a chicken with its head cut off,” he said. “It falls in a ditch and dies.”
The radio stations and television networks were reclaimed by the Northern Alliance since they were driven away by the Taliban forces in 1996.
The new director of Afghanistan TV Daoud Niami said that television broadcast would continue quickly.
America continues to rally support Britain has ordered thousands of troops to prepare for work in Afghanistan.
New Zealand and Indonesia will also lend helping hands in the peacekeeping efforts.