Exercise for Your Health and Fitness

Exercise (ek’ser-siz’) n. Activity that requires physical or mental exertion, especiallywhen performed to develop or maintain fitness.

Mobley: It is important that you stay physically active by exercising, because of the drastic changes that take place during the college years.

Student: Why is it necessary that I stay physically active and exercise? Whatexactly are the benefits that make this activity important enough to be a part of my daily regiment?

I can hear you saying, ‘Explain further, I am not convinced’. However, Healthy People 2010 indicated that levels of physical activity remain low for all populations of America. In 1996, the U. S. Surgeon General published “Physical Activity and Health”, a report designed to reverse the trend of Americans being inactive.

This report shared that 60 percent of Americans are not regularly active and 25 percent are not active at all. I strongly believe that during the college years, students experience countless changes in their lives that cause their fitness habits to be modified. These changes often result in students being able to devote less time to physical activity.

Changes for students may stem from a variety of things such as class loads, jobs, test preparation, and other commitments. Linda Sax, author of The American Freshman: National Norms for Fall 2000 states that about half of college freshmen exercise fewer than six hours a week. Also, in a 1999 survey of recent college graduates, 47 percent reported that they were exercising less than they had as students.

If you are amongst these numbers, you need to exercise on a regular basis because the choices and habits that you are establishing now will affect your life span.

Exercise is for everyone. You don’t have to be an athlete or totally crazy about working out. All you need is a willingness to get moving. There is no respect of persons. Exercise is a universal activity that all can participate in. People with disabilities, the young, middle-age, and elderly can all take part. Individuals who are disabled constantly prove this true by participating in events such as the Special Olympics and the Paraolympics.

The body is a fantastic, awesomely, created physical moving machine. It works best when physically active. In other words, the more you work your body, the stronger and more fit it will become. The opposite is also true, the less you work your body the more degeneration you will experience.

I encourage you to get moving. Find a variety of activities that you enjoy andparticipate in them on a regular basis. Your body will thank you for it.
