Companies should provide housing for interns

Columnist Kaviena Spencer
Photo Submitted by Kaviena Spencer.

Summer is right around the corner, meaning it’s time for students to look for internships if they haven’t already.

Finding an internship can be a little bit difficult, and it’s not because students don’t qualify. They have the grades, the work samples, a reel, even a website to showcase it all.

The one issue that stymies some students is a practical one: Where am I going to stay?

This question could have a person reconsidering everything they had worked that entire year for. Most internships are unpaid and, if you’re like me, you don’t have a job. So where is the money going to come from?

Short-term housing is probably the most difficult part when it comes to finding internships. Finding a place to stay for three months, in a brand-new city where you probably know no one, can be daunting. You leave students open for a number of possibilities.

By offering housing for interns, companies ensure they will have plenty of candidates to choose from.

Most interns are college students, and we are looking to save money. Meaning we’re going to be looking for the cheapest option, which will leave them open to scammers.

Companies should also be mindful of the quality of housing that interns will face when choosing housing.

Companies should want their interns to be comfortable where they’re going to be staying, especially if they are coming from out of state. Having interns living in a place that might not be clean or safe might affect how they are performing at work.

Another thing that interns can avoid when looking for housing is last-minute issues. When it comes to finding housing it’s all about timing. If you start to look for housing too early, the unit might not be available by the time an intern is ready to commit to a lease. But, if  you start looking too late, you might be left with little to no options.

By offering housing, you’re allowing interns to know they’re housing options early.  Offering housing will also reduce stress for interns. Finding affordable housing for anyone can be a stressful; now imagine having to find that housing in a completely different city.

For some students this could be the first time that they are looking for housing at all. They may be used to being put in dorms by their university or finding apartments that are easily available.

Some interns may not know where to start when it comes to looking for short-term housing.  They will have questions, questions that can easily be avoided.

Students are missing out on amazing opportunities to expand their craft because they do not have a secure living arrangement.