Campaigns take Moricette, Hall away from SGA

Senate chamber before the weekly meeting on Monday. 
Photo Submitted by Austin Dixon.

With FAMU’s campaign period around the corner, SGA Student Senate President Rochard Moricette and Student Senate Organization and Finance Committee chair Taylar Hall have taken temporary leaves of absence from student government in order to focus on landing higher leadership positions.

Moricette is a candidate to be FAMU’s next SGA president and Hall is looking to be crowned the next Miss FAMU. Both high-profile positions provide the student who is elected a voice and a face for the university.

“The spring semester brings new opportunities. As I pursue higher leadership within the Student Government Association, it would be a disservice to continue to serve as the Senate President during the active campaign period,” Moricette said in a letter delivered to fellow senators on Friday. “Consequently, I am submitting my temporary leave of absence effective Wednesday, February 13, 2019.

“The 48th Student Senate has lived up to its plan of action for the 2018-2019 academic year, we have improved Senate processes through the finance manual and remained fiscally responsible throughout the Special Allocation Process,” Moricette said. “This body has taken action throughout the academic year to protect the student body, its rights, and its processes,” Moricette added.

Xavier McClinton, the Judicial Rules Committee chairman and Senate President Pro-Tempore, believes that Moricette and Hall can make an immediate impact if they are to win their campaigns.

“They (Moricette and Hall) have a lot of authority and jurisdiction when it comes to how the Senate moves and how they allocate money,” McClinton said. “I think both of them are great leaders, and with great leadership comes great opportunities,” McClinton added.

Although the roles of Moricette and Hall may expand to different entities outside of the Student Senate, A&S liaison (currently serving as OFC) Asia Strong believes that they are both suited perfectly for each position.

“The SGA president is a major spot within itself because they sit on the Board of Trustees and Rochard will be able to lobby on things such as parking and adding or taking away certain fees that are within our tuition,” Strong said.

“Taylar also has the possibility to be the face of our campus if she wins Miss FAMU, which can help bring in recruitment, therefore increasing our A&S fees and the money we get to allocate to different student-run organizations.”

Win or lose, Moricette will have the opportunity to return to his role in the Student Senate at 6 p.m. Feb. 28, while Hall will be granted the same opportunity and will we eligible to return on March 4.