Confirmation week in the Senate Chambers

Angelique Beckford | The Famuan

Lyric Campbel, Amber Hannah, Aries Hamlet, Percy Henry, and Darrien Fordham were confirmed as the new secretaries in these following departments: Athletic Affairs, Community Affairs, Student Welfare and Communications.

During the Student Government Association meeting, these five students individually answered a series of questions presented by the senate in front of the student body.

Senior pre-medicine biology student Amber Hannah held the position of secretary of Athletic Affairs last year and is proud to return to her position with new initiatives.

“As a past student-athlete there was a lot of problems with the quality of equipment they receive and the care in which the athletes are treated in,” said Hannah.

Hannah said she wants to make sure the senate can get the funding to upgrade the quality of athlete equipment.

Hannah touches on the word “student” in student-athlete and highlights the importance of how athletes must focus on being a student first, athlete second.

“Staying in academic compliance is a concern for a lot of athletes. That’s why we’ve created the ‘Gaither After Dark’ initiative that help them gear more towards their studies.”

“Gaither After Dark” is an initiative where the athletic department will open up tutoring labs past the normal hours for students who have practice late at night.

“We want these students to have access to additional help with their classes if they need it,” said Hannah.

The senate meeting continued with Student Relations Committee Chair Taylor Young as she presented “Spirit Week” to the student body, “The student relations committee wanted to build up the spirit before homecoming and we decided to have a spirit week,” said Young. 

Young said each day the committee has different concepts for the students to participate. To keep up with “Spirit Week” participants the Student Government Association (SGA) is using the hashtag #FAMUSpiritWeek via Twitter and Instagram.

Chairman Jean Baptist talked about how the student government will be getting 11 new senators tomorrow night; eight freshmen and three graduate students.

“What I have to do as Internal Development Select chair is facilitate and plan trainings to get the senators acquainted with changes to documents or new procedures,” said Baptist. 

The new senator’s orientation will be introducing them to SGA documents, procedures,and committees.

Young concluded the meeting by sharing that it’s METZ Culinary week.

Mets will sponsor a Zumba party on the Quad and reward the campus organization with the most participants will $100 worth in METZ catering.