Election Night Special Online Journal

This election season saw a lot of eye-catching moments, both at the national and local levels.

A few stories did not get heightened media attention, but many issues saw a lot of controversy.

Jack McClean Community Park is one of many locations that have Photovoltaic cells, or solar panels. The park’s solar panels heat the community pool water. Solar energy systems like this are the topic of a large debate over Amendment one.
The amendment gives individuals and businesses the right to use and produce their own energy.

Several opponents stood outside of the community center protesting the amendment. The opponents say it is a misleading hoax by utility companies that will harm consumers.

Those in favor of the amendment say it says nothing of utility companies charging any fees and that the bill is all about regulation.

Jack McClean is one of many precincts in town. Many adults who came to vote also brought their children who took part in kids voting.

The chair of Leon County kids voting, Katie Ibarra said kids know more about the political system then we think.

“We also have some parents who really discuss the issues,” Ibarra said. “They really had gotten engaged with their children.”

According to past elections, kids tend to vote democratic. This year, kids elected Hillary Clinton as president and Jackie Pons as superintendent of schools.

Kids not only get to vote, but they are playing a big role in possible changes to the County.

If re-elected, superintendent Jackie Pons wants to build a new high school on the Southside of Tallahassee.

The plan includes closing Rickards High School, located in the heart of south side Tallahassee. Closing the school is raising some concerns with residents.

One concern is where the students will relocate to. Another concern is future employment for Rickards teachers and staff.
Jackie Pons is running against Rocky Hanna, Patricia Ann Sunday and Forrest Van Camp for Leon County Superintendent.

Hanna says he will not build the school if elected.

There is no word on whether other candidates have plans to open the high school if elected, but this is a story that many residents are keeping an eye on.

And millennials are also keeping an eye on the issues in this election.

Many excited young people turned out to vote for their first time.