Moise Joseph Eternally Remembered

Florida A&M University Student Success Center held a memorial service for the late Moise Joseph this evening.

The memorial was scheduled to take place at the university’s eternal flame but due to weather was moved to the university’s Commons.

Many were in attendance including students, faculty and staff members, church members, friends and family who traveled from Miami, Fla.

Joseph, attended The Family Worship and Praise Center were Pastor Quincy Griffin Sr., precedes. Griffin gave words of encouragement and the closing prayer, which he reference Joseph as an angel of God.

“Anytime God had a message to send to people he would send an angel, even when people were in prison he would send an angel, they would lead them out and unlock the door;” Griffin said. “They did something to make a huge impact, small amount of time but a great impact in their lives. “

Pastor Griffin compared Joseph to those angels.

“The same thing with Moise. He was here thirty years, but he made such a huge impact in each and every one of our lives. So even though we mourn the fact that he’s not here today the impact he left last a lifetime,” Griffin added.

Family Worship and Praise Center Elder, Star Swain performed a solo in honor of Joseph.

“I chose to sing the song “Destiny” because of the words. It talked a lot about vision and purpose and following a particular path for your life,” Swain said. “I felt like completely embodied who Mr. Joseph was as far as his life and his destiny and his purpose, which was to impact the lives of other people.”

Randall King, fourth-year pharmacy and business administration student from Miami, Fla., expressed that Joseph was not just a friend and mentor, but family.

“He was life changing in school and education and loving people from the heart,” King said. “He showed me how to care for people, taught me time management, value education, and finances so many things. He was an example.”

The memorial closed with a balloon ceremony in which all attendees let white and gold balloons go in memory of Moise Joseph.