Also on The Ballot: Student Green Energy Fund, LGBTQ Anti-Discrimination

Florida A&M students will be deciding Tuesday whether to improve sustainability at the university and whether they support non-discrimination of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students on campus. Two referenda are in students’ hands on the Feb. 21 ballot, which includes the 49 candidates competing for SGA and Royal Court positions. 

Billed as the Student Green Energy Fund, the sustainability initiative reads, “Would you support a small, per-credit-hour fee between $0.25 and $1.00, which could only be used for energy efficiency and renewable energy on campus?” FAMU Green Coalition and Environmental Sciences Students Organization have been promoting the fund, assuring that it would only be a $0.50 deduction per-credit-hour. It requires a yes or no vote.


Another referendum is the safety initiative intended to include LGBT under FAMU’s anti-discimination policy, a move supporters are calling a “Yes Vote for Safety” on campus. According to supporters, many LGBTQ students and faculty hide their sexual orientation for fear of discrimination.