Clubbing Isn’t for Me

I remember when I decided that going to the club wasn’t for me. It was horrible. I stood in a long line for what seemed to be an eternity, in high heels waiting to enter the already crowded party.

My feet blistering and my patience wearing thin, I watched angrily as we scooted toward the door. When I finally made it inside, the last thing I wanted to do was dance or party. I wanted to sit down and recover from the long journey I endured outside.

And that’s exactly what I did. But that’s not what convinced me that I was someplace I didn’t belong. It wasn’t my numb toes or the lack of space I had to move. It was the music and the atmosphere. I waited in a long line just to listen to music that was degrading me, calling me names, minimizing me to an object, a thing.

Apparently, I was the only one who felt this way because I watched as girls rushed to find a dance partner so they could shake their behinds, grind and gyrate to songs that almost commanded them to do so.

I was shocked, but more so disappointed because it meant they didn’t care or didn’t understand that they were allowing themselves to be treated as if they were nothing and therefore unworthy of respect.

I thought to myself, this isn’t worth it. I know people say it’s just music and it’s harmless. But is it really? Would you say the same thing if it was your little sister who listened to it? We internalize lyrics and subconsciously, they begin to flow out of us. If you don’t believe me think about the last time you found yourself singing the lyrics to a song you didn’t remember hearing before. Don’t act like it hasn’t happened to you because I’m pretty sure it has at one point or another. Imagine when it’s a song you actually know.

You get what I’m saying?

Now, I’m not blaming music or criticizing anyone who chooses to listen to certain types of music. But whether you agree with me or not, music is powerful, and you have to be cautious about what you let flow through your ears.