Homecoming festivities unites past and present Rattlers



Homecoming,is one and the biggest event on Florida A&M’s calendar. It also brings anticipation to those who are experiencing it for the first time.  Whether you were a freshmen 10 years ago or now, eagerness for the line of events scheduled for the week is high.

 “As a freshmen, all you could hear about is the big parties, the big celebrations, the hanging out, going to the dorm step show, just seeing what the whole FAMU experience was about you got it during homecoming,” said Jocelyn Green a 2003 alum. “Everything was leading up to homecoming. That was the big event of the year.”

 Jeauan Henderson, 18, a first-year criminology student from Detroit said he is getting into the homecoming spirit. 

 “I’m just enjoying the experience,” said Henderson. “I’m just trying to see how everything is. It’s big”

 Leshera Davis, 18, a nursing student from Brandenton, Fla., said her homecoming plans from weeks prior have been revolving around in preparation. 

 “It’s like a big deal because it’s my first time being in college and you always hear about homecoming, especially from this being an HBCU. So, it means a lot,” Davis said.  “I went home and got my hair done and got some clothes so I can look nice because there is going to be many people here for the weekend.”

 Davis said she is looking forward to many events that are planned during homecoming. Events such as the Dorm Step Show (Tuesday) and BET Black College Tour (wednesday) have brought excitement to the celebration. 

 “I’m trying to do everything,” said Davis. “I went to the dorm step show and I’m planning on going to the Greek Step Show and parade.”

 For Green the friendly atmosphere of homecoming has changed over the years because of the negative crowd that it attracts. 

 “You get people that are not in school. So in return, the school didn’t want to do many things because they don’t want to attract that to the school,” Green said.  

 Even as an alumna, Green still believes that homecoming is a great experience.  

 “It’s a great time to come back and see old friends and past classmates. It’s one of the few times that you’ll actually comeback and see people you wouldn’t normally see,” said Green. “It’s a great time to fellowship and get reacquainted with your classmates and different people that you met through your college experience.”

 This year’s plans for Green involve experiencing the FAMU love and mingling with old friends and family. 

 “This year I’m tailgating in the stadium, hanging with friends and just do a big celebration,” Green said. 

 Henderson said that his FAMU homecoming experience is something he would like to share with his friends and family.

 “I wouldn’t definitely bring my family out here, they’d have fun,” said Henderson.