“Looking Forward, Giving Back” luncheon scheduled for October 29, 2010


Phillip B. Agnew, the 2006-2007 Student Government Association president, is encouraging Rattlers, both young and old to attend the
 Young Alumni Giving luncheon, created to raise money for Florida A&M’s
 retention scholarships. 


This year’s luncheon’s theme is “Looking Forward, Giving Back.” 
The luncheon is scheduled to take place at Hotel Duval at 1:30 p.m. on
 Friday, Oct. 29 during homecoming week. 


The YAG Campaign is in its fifth year of supporting FAMU through 
events, such as this luncheon. 


It is an opportunity for former and current students to network. 

“The luncheon is not only an opportunity for alumni to see old friends 
and classmates, but it’s also a great way for fellow Rattlers to do 
their part in ensuring FAMU continues to change lives and create
 memories for generations to come,” Agnew, co-chair of YAG, said. 


This year’s guest speakers are, Joe D. Briggs, public policy 
counsel for the National Football League Players Association, Amber D. 
 Hall, Florida region sales operations human relations manager for Frito Lay, and 
Nicole Sims, former Miss FAMU


In the past, there have been guest speakers such as FAMU
 President James H. Ammons, film producer Will Packer, and Janelle
 Carter, former senior advisor and speechwriter to then Secretary of 
State, Condoleezza Rice. 

The financial support that this luncheon offers steadily increases every year. 


“No university can survive without the financial support of its 
alumni,” said Monique Gillum, 2007-2008 SGA president and luncheon

According to Agnew, the luncheon is expected to welcome 150 alumni and members on the FAMU Board of Trustees.

“Everyone who participates in this program all align themselves with
 one goal, to help protect and preserve the rich tradition of FAMU,” 
said SGA president Gallop Franklin II, who attended the luncheon in 
the past and plans to attend this year. 

For more information, visit www.yag.com. 

 Tickets are $50 and may be purchased at the door or online. 

Donations are also accepted. Funds collected will go towards student