Brewington heads rec charge

Tony Brewington, the intramural athletics coordinator at FAMU, is trying to reshape the university’s campus.

Brewington insists there is more to FAMU than just the set, clubs and fraternity and sorority parties.

Brewington is a FAMU alum from Tampa with a master’s in sports management. He is the new face for intramural sports and campus recreational activity at FAMU.  

Brewington wants the student body to know that intramural sports and campus recreational activity are more than just fitness and sporting events. He is trying to open students’ eyes to see the bigger picture.

Intramural sports and campus recreation activities offer volunteer opportunities and hands-on experience to those hoping for a closer look at the administrative side of sports. You can get experience in marketing, advertising, administration, officiating and managing, he said.

“Volunteering is a great way to get involved and it steers you in the right direction,” Natasha Kazan, assistant intramural coordinator, said. If not for volunteering, Kazan said, she might not have her job.

Volunteers play a major role in intramural sports and campus recreation.  

They help the administration behind the scenes as well as on the field or court.  

The volunteers relay what the students want to Brewington and his staff.

Brewington said everyone knows that working out and being active are good for a person’s health, but most students do not realize the actual job experience he or she can gain by being a part of intramural sports and campus recreation.  

He wants the East side of Osceola Road to be the new set. He wants the recreational center to be the primary focus for student life.

On Fridays, he wants to see intramural games at full capacity.  Brewington wants the focus to be on student life, not so much typical HBCU activities.

The goal is to get at least 10% of the student body involved. That is approximately 1,300 students. If the goal is met it will open the door to potential jobs, as well as state of the art facilities.

“Brewington is trying to find new ways to get people engaged and active,” graduate assistant Tim Schalch said.

The campus recreation facilities are constantly growing.  

To keep up with the growth, Brewington and his staff are constantly looking for new activities and games for students.

Campus recreation offers six different intramural leagues. Brewington said he is flexible and ready to make a league out of whatever the students want. He said he’s catering to the students for any type of activity they consider popular.

The university can’t create new tournaments and leagues without student feedback, Brewington said. He is eager to start new ideas.