Tucker Hall grand opening Wednesday

The official ribbon cutting ceremony for Florida A&M’s Tucker Hall will be held Wednesday, September 22, at 11:30 a.m.

Tucker Hall has been a part of the intricate history of Florida A&M University for over 60 years. Constructed in 1956 and named after Thomas DeSaille Tucker, our University’s first President, it has withstood the many renovations that our campus has seen. Some agree that Tucker Hall is an important part of FAMU’s history and that renovations were a good way to preserve the history behind it. The renovations cost the school about $16 million.

Originally used for plays and other theatrical events as well as classes, the building now houses several departments such as the College of Arts and Sciences, Office of the Dean, History and Political Science, Literature and Language.

Tucker Hall also received all new lighting systems, new seating as well as new offices and classrooms. The new building also has a new facility in the Charles Winter Wood Theatre for theatre students

The Charles Winter Wood Theatre also received new additions to their building’s structure.

Among these additions is the permanently installed sound system. This new technology was able to give the theatre a professional commercial grade sound system. Not only was the sound system a change, but the soundboard was upgraded as well, going from analog to digital. FAMU’s faculty, staff and students will be able to enjoy the new Tucker Hall.