SGA Explosion turnout is a success


The student government association hosted their annual SGA Explosion Tuesday evening in the Grand Ballroom. The event was set to begin at 7 p.m. Many students became restless while waiting for the event to begin. The doors were finally opened at 7:15, but some students were already making their way out.

“It’s not what I thought it was,” said Jessica Pierre, a freshman from West Palm Beach. On her way out of the ballroom, Pierre stopped to reevaluate her reason for coming.

“I was in SGA in high school and I want to continue in college,” Pierre said. “I want to help them change some things around campus because SGA is more serious at a university.”

The purpose of the annual explosion is to inform the entire student body about the role of SGA on campus as well as to provide students with opportunities to do their part.

Iman Sandifer, 40th Student Senate President, reminisced on last year’s turnout and concluded that this year’s event was more successful.

“This class seems more excited to help people and not just to hold positions,” said

Sandifer, who also chairs the Student Relations Committee that hosts the explosion. “[Last year], I felt like a lot people just came out to get food.”

Students who came out for the 2010 explosion showed up for more than just chicken wings, lemonade and a DJ. Students from all classes talked to SGA officials and studied the mission and purpose of the 16 departments, which include three sections: Diversity, Safety and Sustainability.

The purpose of the Department of Diversity is to integrate the traditional student body with the minorities who often go unnoticed. The department is planning events to raise awareness about the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community as well.

Department Chair, Hannah Brooks, said they already have a mentoring program in the works for LGBT students transitioning to FAMU from high school.

The Department of Safety has partnered with FAMU’s SAFE Team by providing them with two new golf carts and five radios. The SAFE Team, that had been dormant since 2007, now consists of five paid staff members and twenty-four volunteers. The SAFE Team operates from 8 p.m. to midnight.

The Department of Sustainability was inspired by Eco-Rattler, a green initiative launched on campus last year, which brought recycling bins to campus.

“I’m not sure what branch I want to go into,” said Deven Brown, a freshman from

Dallas, TX. “But as far as the student body and my freshmen class, I just want to help them in any way I can.”

For students looking to get involved in SGA there are three senior Senator positions open, 2 sophomore positions, and countless volunteer opportunities. You can find out more information at