U.S. Airman of Note to perform at Lee Hall

Not going to the Florida Classic this weekend? Check out The United States Airman of Note’s performance Friday at 8 p.m. in Lee Hall Auditorium.
According to Usafband.af.mil, the Airman of Note is the premier jazz ensemble of the U.S. Air Force. They are world-renowned and have played in more than 10 different countries including, eight European countries and five South American countries. The US Airman of Note was created in 1950 to carry on the tradition of Glenn Miller’s Army Air Corporations dance band.
Twice a year, the US Airman of Note travels worldwide and performs their music through different communities. This year, FAMU has been lucky enough to have the Note perform their inspirational jazz ensemble to the student body free of charge.
Their expected presence is causing quite a buzz among anticipated Rattlers.
“This really is what college is all about,” said Nicole Mouton, 20, a third-year psychology student from Melburn, Fla. “Being able to witness something of this magnitude, something this special makes me feel good about being at FAMU.”
Usafband.af.mil states that since the Note’s have been created they have had the leadership of 10 talented and diverse conductors. Today they are one of the few big bands to still tour across the world.
“I think we are very fortunate to have a world renowned band perform at our school for free,” said Tiffany McGee, 19, a second-year psychology student from Tallahassee.
Many students believe that the famous band will bring something unique to campus.
William Tarver, 19, a second-year criminal justice student from Orlando, said, “Although I never heard of them, it would be an interesting performance to attend.”
Students who agree with Tarver are also welcoming the Airman of Notes with open arms. 
Nicholas Hollinghead, 22, a third-year criminal justice student from Brevard County, Fla., agrees that the school should be diverse on performances and believes that the Notes will offer a different sound and feel to students who attend.
Also stated on the site, the airmen of note began in the 1970’s under the leadership of Mike Crotty. Currently, Alan Baylock is the chief arranger. To augment its talented writing staff, the Airmen of Note has commissioned works by such celebrated arrangers as Bob Florence and Bob Mintzer. Sammy Nestico and fellow Note alumnus Tommy Newsom have each composed works for the group as well.
“It’s nice to have a variety of events on campus for students to participate in,” Mouton said. “I can’t wait.”
Contact FAMU Department of Music at (850) 599-3024 for tickets. Admission is free for students, but tickets are required to attend the event.