Networking vital in tight times

It’s homecoming season! But students are still scrambling for jobs.

During a time where bliss and cheer is supposed to fill the air, an upsetting reality has some students feeling the opposite.

The job market is still jagged and employers are only recruiting for internships.

Graduates this semester will have it tough.
According to most recent numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate stands at a 9.8 percent.

Economists said that the number might exceed 10 percent before the economy gets better.
This Thursday, the number of workers filling for unemployment for the first time increased by 11,000, bringing the total to 531,000 nationwide.

This speaks volumes.

After attending the School of Journalism & Graphic Communication career fair and the Career Center sponsored fair, it’s obvious the job market is still struggling. Some companies had positions open, but only accepted one final applicant.

Some recruiters informed job-seeking students about internships and programs, which they are only hiring graduates for.

So fall graduates, it may be a good idea to have a resume handy at different homecoming events, as many Rattlers are successful entrepreneurs and mangers who may be hiring. It’s homecoming, don’t be dreary. Instead, use this exciting week to reach out to alumni to jumpstart a career into this tough market.

And alumni should reach back as well.

Former students should visit their favorite professors and set-up a time to speak to students.

Go to different events and pull a student aside to ask about their future career track.
FAMU’s Young Alumni Movement has already started the trend.

Hosting seven events so far with more than 9,000 attendees, the organization directs all proceeds from each occasion to FAMU. 

Fall graduates there is hope. Use this homecoming experience as a career fair.
Instead, this career fair is swarmed with FAMU graduates.

You have a leg-up!

Erica Butler for the Editorial Board.