Fear of press foolish

Since the beginning of the war, journalists from all over the world have become frequent writers, videographers and even blogged about their experiences.                 

Although journalists may not be the most popular people during the on-going battle, they can however be considered as one of the many important people during wartime.              The United States Military finally did away with its contract with the public relations firm, The Rendon Group.                                             

The group’s contract created profiles that rated each journalists’ coverage of the Afghanistan war as “positive,’ “neutral,” or “negative.”                               

Despite the quality that may have been displayed in each journalists work, U.S. military communicators say they see the issue as a distraction to their main mission.  The question still lies what exactly that mission is, and can journalists help the armed forces to accomplish that goal?     

The issues that have risen due to military exasperation can be viewed as a little awkward.

According to some officials, the journalists’ footage was only used to help commanders prepare for their interviews.  Many others feel that the footage was used to limit the access that journalists had because they produced unfavorable coverage of the Afghanistan war.           

This situation alone can teach everyone a valuable lesson.  It can remind veterans and young journalists about the importance of the content of his or her work that may be published.       

It reminds all journalists that although some companies may say what they think the viewers would like to hear, all that matters is that the story is being covered to its full potential, while letting the audience decide the outcome.