Presidential debate won’t decide election

The last presidential debate sparked the same question that most political debates do. And that question is, “Who won?”

The question is a popular one, but in such an important election, it is one that cannot be easily answered.

In Wednesday night’s debate, each candidate came away victorious because both Senators John McCain and Barack Obama clearly defined their platforms and explained their fundamental differences.

With the election on the horizon, neither candidate could say anything radical enough to change the public’s perception.

Instead, the last stretch will be used to reinforce the values and ideals they have presented to the public.

Each candidate has a different approach to each major issue in the election.

They have diverging opinions on health care policies, economic strategies, and even abortion rights.

Such polarizing issues do not change overnight.

So the election will not be won or lost on the positions presented at the debate, but rather how many of the American people share the ideals of either candidate.

Negative campaigning will also be rendered null and void this election season.

Both candidates are reputable politicians with positive track records. The American public knows it can trust both candidates, as evidenced by the slim margins of separation in approval polls.

It will come down to which candidate’s supporters will come out on election day and champion their beliefs through their candidate.

Akeem Anderson for the editorial board.