Dean’s bid to correct health risk laudable

It’s hard to imagine going to a pharmacy to get a prescription filled, only to find out you have been given a lower dosage than you paid for, or even worse, a fake drug altogether. This has been the plight of many people in Africa and India.

This topic has been of major concern in several news outlets in Africa this week, such as the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation and the New Citizen in Sierra Leone.

The Web site recognized efforts made by Florida A&M University pharmacy students and lecturers during their trip to Ghana last year.

Led by Henry Lewis III, dean of the FAMU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, the group discovered that the diabetes medicine lacked an active ingredient necessary for treatment.

Because of the careless monitoring of these drugs by pharmaceutical firms, the Web site stated that diabetic Africans are dying five years after their diagnosis. Lewis sees an opportunity to help the people of Africa.

Lewis is planning on taking 12 more students, this summer, to do further research in Africa. FAMU is making major efforts to correct wrongs in the global community.

The University’s school of pharmacy is leading the way for students to take a stand.

We should make ourselves culturally aware so that we can graduate with a broad perspective of world events and how we can help.

Christine Thomasos for the Editorial Board.