College students will lead struggle

In a month of remembrance for fallen brothers who gave their lives for the freedom of their brothers and sisters, we march on.

In a month when we identify the stains on the cloth of our culture, we march on. In a time when our very existence is threatened day-to-day by a society designed to incapacitate our minds, bodies and souls, we march on.

In a tomorrow filled with a bittersweet destiny of ultimate retribution, we march on. 

While some of us are marching with feet blistered by the hot coals of inequality and others have fallen out from exhaustion, we will leave no man behind.

We will not abandon mothers who are alone to raise children in a draconian society labeled fair and balanced by its architects. 

We will not leave behind our fragile minded youth, who are abused by cowards that sell intellectual crack in the form of rap music.

We will surely not leave behind the legacy of the warriors of our past who, such as the Zulu of Africa, fought against a vicious enemy that remains ruthless in its efforts to destroy our race.

This march is indeed led by many, who in the pursuit of knowledge, have become eternal students. At the convocation speech in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., David Jackson challenged all those of African descent to ask themselves: “Who am I?  Am I really who I think I am?  Am I all I ought to be?” 

Surely this provocative question must be asked of our people.

Young and old must realize that this is the fundamental component of our physical, psychological and spiritual freedom.

Asking these questions and answering them brings us closer to the divinity that gave us our purpose and godliness that forever shaped the planet.

As we march on we must be diligent. We must acknowledge that we are a race held captive in a system that is translucent, yet deadly. 

We are captive because we won’t stand up for our rights.  We are captive because just down the street there are children in schools with no books.  We are captive because our government watches our every move.

We are captive because we have to look at our children and tell them that they cannot go to college because the cost is too high.

We are captive because we allow our government to spend $5 billion a month on a war that is bankrupting this country.

So on this day of remembrance and as we march on, be not afraid or weak of spirit. 

Those who are strong must protect the weak. As a college student, it is your responsibility to be the catalysts for social movements. We must march on.

Adeleke Omitowoju is a senior business administration student from Atlanta. He can be reached at