There are more important issues than Christmas trees

This happens every year. It’s always around this time of year, when it’s cold outside. It happens in the northern region of the United States. Can you guess what? I bet you’re thinking snow. Well, you’re wrong. It’s the battle of the Christmas trees.

New York and the White House duel it out every year, fighting over who has the national Christmas tree. And now, according to, a new opponent has joined the revolving door of repeat offenders list (they’re not making any progress): Congress.

Why is this even an issue? Every year, the nation takes a break from what really matters. Why is this so? Aren’t there more pressing issues for the U.S. to grapple? Shouldn’t officials in New York worry about how they will keep their city safe from future attacks? Shouldn’t someone be worried about the ever-present high crime rate in Washington, D.C.?

Instead of worrying about which city has the brightest Christmas lights, people should worry about the hurricane evacuees who will be forced to move from the free the hotels and shelters they have been residing.

Maybe people should worry about why some kids feel the need to take weapons to school while other children fear being shot at school. While having the biggest tree my bring joy to some, families across the nation will be overjoyed if their loved-ones could come back home from overseas.

Claiming the biggest tree may be a bright spot in a year full of hard times and disasters, but when there are so many problems in this country, we can afford to shift our attentions to more note-worthy causes.

The Famuan Editorial Board.