U.S. unwelcome in foreign affairs

CNN reported Wednesday Oct. 5 that Nicaraguans were offended by American intervention in their national affairs.

The criticism was a result of U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick’ s warning to Nicaraguan politicians regarding their attempts to impeach the current president.

Zoellick and the U.S. are concerned by the possibility of the Sandinistas returning to power.

The Sandinistas worked against the U.S.-backed dictatorship in Nicaragua in the 1960s and 1970s and later ruled the country for about a dozen years under Marxist ideology, according to Wikipedia.

Their communist ideals put them at odds with the U.S. government while they were in power.

Zoellick made several legitimate points about corruption amongst the Nicaraguan National Assembly and the Constitutionalist Liberal Party, two groups who are actively pursuing the president’s impeachment.

CNN reported that Nicaraguan media took exception to what it called the U.S.’s meddling in internal affairs.

The events taking place in Nicaragua are troubling, and one wonders whether the people are truly living in a free and open society.

There is only one problem with these issues.

They are Nicaragua’s affairs, not ours.

In a broad sense, every country’s ills are also the world’s.

Certainly the problems of Nazi Germany and terrorism in the Middle East eventually affected the entire world.

We are the world leader of democracy and as a nation we desire to ensure the freedom of all the people of the world.

But the U.S. cannot become involved with the internal affairs of every country on the planet.

The U.N. is supposed to be the agent of world diplomacy and the watchdog of international affairs.

No matter how poor a job a country may do, the U.S. cannot solve all the world’s problems.

The American government must come to terms with the fact that the very people they are trying to help may just want to be left alone.