Low salary for scholars

There are three things that our society worships without regard; sports, violence and sex. One reason we find refuge in being captivated by athletics is because for some of us, it’s a way to rekindle the bliss we experienced during our prime.

People love to indulge themselves with memories of what they used to be able to accomplish in athletics. Another reason we reverse the physical fitness of athletes is because for some of us, it’s something we could never accomplish.

There are numerous reasons why we worship these athletes so much, but none of them justify why so many of these athletes are bringing in millions of dollars.

Based on the countless rape charges, steroid scandals, drug possession and domestic disputes, most athletes should be playing ball in Rikers Island rather than the Staples Center. However, we still find ways to infatuate ourselves with their undeniably affluent lifestyles.

But why can’t we pay the individuals who teach our children, save our lives, build our houses and clean up our local streets the big bucks? True, doctors and lawyers make generous salaries that exceed the average of what most Americans make, but it comes at the sacrifice of millions of hours of sleep and a huge debt of college loans.

And we’re not even talking about teachers, journalists and architects who make only a 50th of what the average baseball player makes.

Frankly, there isn’t enough money in this world to even pay one teacher, architect or doctor for their unselfish dedication. Now I understand every one of these people aren’t good samaritans. Corruption in our society is just as ordinary as apple pie.

However, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t recognize those that carry out their job passionately. If we find time to praise the great athletes of this country, we can certainly recognize the great people in this society.

I’m not saying we should ask EA Sports to create Architects 2004 for PS2, nor have a fantasy league for teachers. That would be ludicrous. All I’m saying is if we can pay a man with a 12th grade education, and no college degree $100 million to dunk a basketball, then it should be no problem paying a teacher with a master’s degree, who is committed to enhancing the future of the next generation, at least a six figure contract.

Just think, why help endorse an athlete who’s sole purpose is to accomplish something that will ultimately provide you with nothing more than a set of memorable ticket stubs rather than a teacher whose passion is to edify your intellect, something that can never be recompensed? Although the answer is obvious, making it a reality is complicated.

Morgan L. McDaniel is a sophomore architecture student from Detroit. He can be reached at Morgan1.McDaniel@famu.edu.