Campus fight goes too far

In the past days, the student dining hall has become a site of chaos. And for what cause?

While many say it is not unusual to experience at least one food fight in the Cafe every year, why is that expected behavior on a university campus?

It should not be.

However, when a student enrolls at a college or university, other things should be expected. One, the student has made a commitment to furthering his or her education. Two, the student is beginning the next phase in adulthood. And three, the student will maintain an elevated level of maturity at all times.

College students are always trying to prove their independence to their parents, professors and administrators. But when students begin throwing food and fighting in the dining hall then in the courtyard of a dormitory, how can they expect anyone to take them seriously?

While all students who eat in the Cafe may not have been involved in the incident, all students will be grouped into that “immature” category.

More importantly, when a fight breaks out it endangers all students in the vicinity, especially when random shots are fired, which is what happened Friday. This type of behavior is not conducive to the learning environment of the University and is not how responsible adults carry themselves.

While it may seem like “fun” to have a food fight in the Cafe, it is obviously a bad idea in the end when the Cafe gets shut down to clean up the mess. While a student may feel justified to fight someone for disrespecting him or her, when weapons are involved the fight is taken to another level.

When people fight with their hands, they may be able to fight again. But when people fight with guns, they may not.

Either way, college students are at an age where they should be exercising other ways to solve problems and have fun.

Orientation should not matter in adoption

The United States has become a gay bashing nation.

Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a Florida ban on gay adoption.

Now, legislators in the state are asking whether it matters if a couple is gay or straight to effectively nurture a parentless child.

In fact, House Bill 633 provides that the judge must consider what is best for the children when foster parents are seeking to adopt them and that these factors must be considered by a court in determining whether to grant an adoption request.

Many may think, “Who cares?” But the most affected entities of this situation are the children.

With thousands of children in foster homes in this state, it should not matter whether a couple is heterosexual. The only thing that should be addressed is the quality of life the couple is capable of providing for that child.

Opponents of this may disagree, but this act is blatant prejudice. First the nation worked diligently to ban gay marriage, now it’s centering in on gay adoption. Currently, any type of heterosexual couple may adopt a foster child; however, a homosexual couple cannot, according to the ruling by the highest court. What can possibly be the reasoning behind it?

One word: prejudice.

Since when has it become a law that a homosexual is not a fit parent? It hasn’t. But let’s not speak too soon.

Well, Florida it’s your chance to right this wrong. Make it your business to consider the best interests of the children, not the public opinion.