Americans must monitor leaders

As the most important presidential election in U.S. history approaches, we as Americans are discerning between the important and not-so-important issues.

Images of death, destruction and hopelessness at home and abroad constantly overwhelm our psyches -aided by the media’s notoriously slanted view of the world.

We are all affected by the decisions our leaders make, and we must be cognizant of who we put into power, how much power they have and where they focus their power.

Iraq is a great example of a misuse of power.

Prior to the U.S-led invasion of Iraq, many Americans felt that Iraq, and more specifically Saddam Hussein, was directly linked to the attacks of Sept. 11.

Thousands of innocent lives and billions of dollars later, we now know that the Bush administration misled the American people.

In an editorial obtained from, Bush is quoted as saying he considers the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia to be his “friend.”

Saudi Arabia has been accused of financing terrorists, supporting the international drug trade and is labeled by the U.S. State Department as one of the world’s most oppressive regimes on the planet. Not to mention the fact that Osama bin Laden is a member of the Saudi royal family.

How can we trust such a jaded administration?

George W. Bush is not a leader, nor is he capable of exhibiting the core qualities of a leader.

A successful leader protects the minority and regulates the majority with integrity, honesty and forthrightness.

Bush’s habitual abuse of power coupled with his dedication to the deceit of the masses makes him the most powerful and incompetent leader in the history of the world.

Diplomacy has fallen victim to the military complex of our nation.

As thousands of Iraqi men, women and children struggle to pick up the shattered pieces of their lives, our current president simultaneously recites rhetoric to the American people stating that Iraqis are better off. In the month of September, thousands of children died in Iraq.

The insufficient amount of drugs and medical equipment is now worse than when Hussein was in power.

This is proof that it is up to us, the American people, to be the watchdogs of those who have a seemingly infinite influence on the world.

We now know what can happen when we loosen the leash of the American pit-bull.

Contact Adeleke Omitowoju is junior business administration student Atlanta. Contact him at mba_ade@