Planet’s plight is being overlooked

“The Lorax”- a children’s story written by Dr. Seuss – depicts a wilderness setting where animals and nature harmoniously co-exist in a literal utopia.

One day, a stranger wanders into this magnificent habitat and begins to destroy it in the name of monetary gain. “The Lorax,” a resident of the area, attempts to persuade the stranger to cease his activities.

Unfortunately, for the vegetation and other wildlife, “The Lorax” is unsuccessful. The stranger continues on his wretched course until all the freshwater is rendered undrinkable and the land is no longer capable of producing crops.

“The Lorax” is ironically comparable to the current conditions on Earth.

Some humans, distracted to the point of utter blindness, fail to recognize the deplorable state of the ecosystem.

For instance, the oceans, which cover 70 percent of the Earth, could be used as a life sustaining food source. Instead, the oceans continue to be used as a depository for oil, human garbage and toxic waste.

Even if humans choose to ignore these occurrences, the wildlife appears to be paying close attention. It seems that whales choose to commit suicide by beaching themselves rather than reside in such a hazardous cesspool.

The Amazon rainforest, considered by some environmentalist to be the “lungs of the Earth”, are mercilessly slaughtered at a dramatic rate. Considering the amount of oxygen the Amazon produces – approximately 90 percent of the Earth’s supply – it would seem to be suicidal for humans to eliminate this enchanted forest. Without the “lungs of the Earth”, the inhabitants of the planet will find themselves dissipating into the realm of extinction.

Given the state of the world, it’s easy to see why the United States is engaging in plans to colonize outer space. But the more resource-wealthy nations of the world should allocate more time and energy to the environmental matters at hand.

Also, universities, corporations and other entities should implement mandatory recycling measures. If individuals would do their part, the world would be a much cleaner and safer place.

Ka’juel West is a FAMU second year law student from St. Petersburg. Contact him at