Ask Noelle

Need AnswersYou don’t have all of the answers and let’s be honest, neither do your friends. Here’s where I come in. If you have a question, then I guarantee that I’ll have an answer for you. For example, take this situation that a student is going through:

Job PainsThe very thought of my job causes me to have headaches that turn into migraines. I’ve been working at this job for about a year, and as much as I love it, I’m beginning to think that I should find work elsewhere. My headaches usually last from the time I get to work until the time that I leave, but I don’t want to just quit. What should I do?

-Work Hurts

WH, you have to question the cause of these headaches. Maybe it’s the stress of your workload. When you feel one coming on take a short break and think about what’s causing you to feel stressed. You should also consider talking to someone on your job, preferably your boss, if you have a decent working relationship. Often times being able to talk through and understand the root of your stress can alleviate any physical problems that come from being overworked.

If this doesn’t work, try taking a short walk during your lunch break. Sometimes, a little fresh air and exercise will do the trick.

If all else fails, maybe you should start clearing out your cubicle because aneurisms aren’t pretty.


Got Questions

Before you start sending in your questions, remember that they must be limited to 100 words. Questions will be published anonymously unless arrangements are made, and The Famuan reserves the right to select items to be published. By the way, your question will be answered as soon as possible.

Ask Noelle is a column that will appear in each issue of The Famuan. Any questions can be e-mailed to or brought to The Famuan office, Tucker Hall Rm. 309.