New cafe reduces options

My mother used to always say, “Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.” This statement appears to be painfully true when it comes to the cafeteria located in the downstairs area of the Student Services Center.

In previous years, I’ve agreed with some students that FAMU should bring in outside vendors to add some variety to the cafeteria. It’s interesting to see the results of decisions based on want, not need.

The upstairs area of the cafeteria now has a serious overcrowding problem. With the wait for a hamburger reaching 45 minutes, I have to wonder if KFC and Pizza Hut best serve the needs of the students.

When I lived in the dorms, I could go to the downstairs café if I wanted a hamburger or pizza. It was very quick and easy. Now, students living on campus rarely visit the downstairs café. Why? The answers are rather simple.

If you have a meal plan, you may already know that the food court does not accept the meal plan; only cash and bonus bucks.

It is also very expensive. The minimum cost of an entrée is around $3.50. This is entirely too expensive for college students.

The biggest disservice to the students is the loss of a facility that was covered by the meal plan without a reduction in the total cost of the meal plan. In short, it isn’t worth it.

I see two possible solutions to fix this problem. If KFC and Pizza Hut would accept the meal plan, overcrowding would be reduced in the upstairs cafeteria. Even though I wish for the old days when the downstairs cafeteria served hamburgers and pizza, this is probably the next best solution.

We, as students, deserve the best services possible. If you feel like I do, speak out about it. Go to SGA Senate meetings and voice your opinions on these issues. Go to committee meetings and let them know how you feel. Even speak with President Fred Gainous if you feel that passionately about it. Do not settle for a change that affects you negatively.

Charles Sims, 20, is a junior history student from Miami. He can be reached at