President should focus major spending on domestic issues, not rebuilding Iraqi

George Bush should not have asked Congress for more money to fight the war in Iraq. The $87 billion he asked for, in order to fight a war that has been “over” since May, is sorely needed here in the United States.

In a recent column, the writer listed several uses for that money in America. Two of the best uses are education and health care. If that doesn’t get your attention, remember that war was declared based on the belief that weapons of mass destruction existed. Those weapons that have yet to appear.

For a country that really didn’t want our help in the first place, $87 billion is too much to spend. The number of American soldiers killed in guerrilla warfare each day in Iraq proves this. Clearly, this money could be better used in America’s inner cities.

The education system can be greatly improved with even half of that amount. Maybe there would be fewer schools receiving failing grades on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test if the government gave more attention to students and less to Saddam Hussein.

A writer said, “…the president proposes spending $157.45 per person for water and sewer repairs in Iraq, while just $14.39 is in the current budget for those same projects in the United States.”

The President could have funded this $157.45 a day war by lessening the tax break he gave to those making over $1 million per year.

However, he chose instead to pass the bill for the conflict on to the 90 percent of Americans who dwell in the lower tax brackets.

The war in Iraq is an unexpected bill, only it’s 87 billion times worse. President Bush could reduce the tax cut for millionaires, but then how would the filthy rich get richer? Unless he can promise financial security for our own domestic issues, he’s not getting my vote in the next election.

Theresa E. Davis, 24, is a junior public relations student from Jacksonville. She can be reached at