New year brings new look to The Famuan

It’s a new year and a new day for The Famuan.

Some of our readers are unaware of their campus paper’s rapid progression over the past few years.

The informative newspaper that you’ve grown accustomed to seeing three times a week with full color on the front and back was once produced only once a week entirely in black and white.

This was only six short years ago!

In that time we added a monthly themed issue, otherwise known as a “Special Issue.” That monthly Special Issue turned into sporadic “pullouts” or a handful of pages dedicated to a pre-determined topic.

Some of this semester’s topics are Activism, Love and Romance, Spring Sports and Housing. Last semester, we filled a great demand for a men’s issue, which of course will be balanced by a women’s issue this semester.

We also provide an opportunity for poets and artists to strut their stuff in the weekly section called Creative Mindz.

The look of The Famuan has also changed, and this semester, it will change yet again.

I dare say that the front page will take a whole new turn this semester.

It will look more professional than ever.

This semester’s staff is the largest since inception.

Because of that, readers should fully expect more diversity in stories, more in-depth coverage, higher quality in visual elements and – here’s where you come in – a broader range in student participation.

If you possess a skill or knowledge, we probably have a use for it. You have to be hungry though.

If you want to be a part of the most frequently published black college newspaper then 309 Tucker Hall is the place for you.

Danielle Wright, 24, is a senior theatre student from London, England. She is The Famuan’s editor in chief. She can be reached at