Punish crimes equally

Recently the company that stole billions of dollars from hard-working people admitted it wasn’t the $4 billion they thought it was, but more like $9 billion.

These people aren’t where one might think – locked in solitary confinement and far away from a crisp dollar bill.

They are at home, in their mansions, while the people they have intentionally misled and stolen from are forced to sell their dream homes, and plan other ways to pay for their children’s college educations.

Sad to say, these men will probably get little more than a fine and probation, while the man that robs a gas station for a whole $27 gets the maximum sentence because he used a gun.

Corporate executives robbed thousands of people but they are allowed to live in the lap of luxury. At the maximum, they get sent off to corporate prisons where they can order martinis and play golf or tennis.

The ins and outs of our justice system are becoming more and more transparent when the men that donated to campaigns and election teams get little more than a slap on the wrist for stealing billions, and the men who do little more than steal to survive get life in prison for using a weapon.

It’s a fair assumption that the families who lost their life savings would rather lose $27 with a gun to their heads, than their children’s futures at the hands of a trusted employer.

How dare our justice system coddle these executives because of their positions and be so hypocritical as to blame it on the intricate differences between white and blue-collar crimes.

The only real difference is the white and blue collars.

– Bridget Nance for the Editorial Board.