Campus Notes

Images Modeling Troupe ReunionFAMU Images Modeling Troupe is seeking all IMAGES models, from 1985 to present, for participation in the Fashion Show Reunion on April14. All current and former members are asked to contact Donald Beckwith at 561-2316 or email for more details about this event.

Summer Graduation Application deadlineDeadline to submit graduation applications is April 19. For all History and Political Science majors, applications must be turned in to Erma Ellis in room 412 Tucker Hall. For more information, contact Gary Paul at 599-3447.

Association for Women in CommunicationsWomen in communications meet every Sunday at 5 p.m. Members network with professionals, shadow professionals on the job and promote local seminars and workshops. For more information and location, contact Grace Ugalde at 942-7490 or email at

Beta Nu Live Talent showcaseThe Beta Nu chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is looking for talented singers, rappers, and dancers for Beta Nu Live which will be held on April 2 in the Grand Ball room. For more information, contact Joe Womack at 942-4528.

Old Fashion Game DayThe Student Alliance Volunteer Association is hosting an Old Fashion Game Day today on the set from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. SAVA is asking all student organizations to partcipate by hosting a specific game such as hopscotch, twister, foursquare, etc. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Lynette Paul at 599-3400.

Westside Student AllianceStudents from Arizona, Alaska, Nevada, Oregon, New Mexico, California, Colorado and Washington, the Westside Student Alliance is looking for new members. If you are interested, please call 222-0754 or email for more information.

Student Volunteers needed in SGAThe Student Government Association presents “Be-Out Day” on April 6. Volunteers are needed to assist in various capacities. We will also need volunteers for “Apollo on the Hill”, a talent show on April 5. Students interested should sign up the SGA. For more information, contact Natalie Bryant at 671-4981 or Marcus Sandifer at 523-2978.

Law Review SubmissionsThe FAMU chapter of Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law fraternity is looking for law review submissions for publication. The topic is “Law in the new millennium: various topics in the Law.” All publications are due by March 29. For more information, contact Robyne Gordon at 228-2151.Model United Nations ConferenceThe office of International Programs and the Model United Nations association wil be sponsoring a Model United Nations conference and exposition in conjunction with International Awareness week. This conference is a one day event, April 12, from 11 a.m. -5 p.m., is open to all faculty, students and members of the community. If you are interested becoming a delegate to the conference, applications are available until April 10. For more information, contact Candace Kennedy at or Freda Coleman at

Senior Class Cabinet ApplicationsApplications for the 2002-2003 UNITY Administration are available in the Office of Student Activities. Please return completed applications to Student Activites by 5 p.m. on March 29. For more information, contact Natalie Bryant at 671-4981.

Essence of the Arts Talent showcaseTickets for the showcase will be on sale at the ticket booth in front of the old Cafeteria, until the day of the event on April 1, starting at 11:30 a.m. The talent show will feature FAMU students expressing their talents through dance, poetry, singing, and rap. Free food and prizes will be given. DJ J-Will of 90.5 will be spinning the turn tables from 7-9 p.m. Tickets are $3. For more information, contact Sandy Jean Philippe at 224-0745 or Sherley Pierre at 656-8768.

Black Empowerment SymposiumWhat’s it like to be black on Wall Street? Is it possible to break the glass ceiling? Please join the C.F.O. for its Black Empowerment Symposium on April 10 at 5:30 p.m. Featured guest include senior black executives from JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, etc. For more information and to RSVP, contact Alicia Board at 264-1115 or

Silent AuctionAdopt-A-Grandparent will be hosting the 2nd annual silent auction on April 5, from 6-8 p.m. in the Rattler’s Den. Sponsors for this year’s auction include Aristotle’s Coffee Garage, Bourbon Street Candy Company, Dillards and Don Pablo’s. Proceeds will help to fund future AGP activities. For more information, contact Rashonda Rosier at 385-0382.

Campus Ministry CenterCampus ministry invites you to worship with them on Sundays at 10 a.m. Bring your praises, and salvations are already provided. The Campus Ministry Center is located at 2001 Broad St. The corner of Young and Broad Streets, one block left of the FAMU Architecture building on MLK Blvd. For more information, please call 425-8307 or visit our website at

Homecoming ThemeThe Student Union is holding an contest for anyone who can come up with the 2002 Homecoming Theme. The winner will receive $150. Contest deadline is April 2. Submit all entries to the Student Union Office. For more infomation, please call 599-3400.

Springfest 2k2The Jacksonville Student Alliance is sponsoring the Springfest Arts Festival and are looking for singers, dancers, poets, spiritual interpretations, jazz ensembles, etc. to perform at this event, which will be held on April 12. If you or a group would like to participate, email or contact Sharonda Neal at 915-4981.

Debt Management FairIn order to decrease the percentage of FAMU graduates that default on their student loans, the office of Student Financial aid will be sponsoring a forum on April 2 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Grand Ball room. The theme for this year will be “Starting off on the right foot.” For more information, contact Ann Floyd at 599-3730.

Financial Aid Exit interviewsFor graduating Seniors who have borrowed federal funds to finance their education, the exit interviews will be conducted on March 27 and 28 , from 5-7 p.m., in the Student Financial Services Lobby, and April 8 and 10, from 12:30-3 p.m., in the Embassy Room. For more information, contact Ann Floyd at 599-3730.

“Wish List” ScholarshipThe Beta Alpha chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorrority, Inc. present the “Wish List” scholarship. Interested students should submit an essay on “How winning the scholarship money can be used to help in my academic pursuit.” Deadline is March 31. The winner will recieve $150 scholarship. For more information, contact Natasha Martin at 309-1212.

Lady Mentors neededLadies are needed to serve as mentors to girls ages 9-12 in the “Sister Session” program in the Joe Louis community. Preferrably those individuals who will be in Tallahassee for all or part of the summer, please contact Yolanda McCain at 915-5774 or email at

Dance Explosion/Model AffairCome out on April 8 from 7-9 p.m. in Lee Hall, to experience FAMU’s own Girls of Poison, Ryde or Dye, Boys of Poison, Mahogany Dance Theatre, Images, Faces, Epicurean modeling troupe and many more, at the official Dance Explosion/Model affair. Tickets will be on sale starting today at the ticket booth. For more information, contact Sandy at 599-3400 or Sherley at 656-8768 or the office of Student Activities.

Spring Excursion 2002The Strikers Dance Troupe and Mahongany Dance Theatre request your presence at the “Spring Excursion 2002” on April 4-5 in Lee Hall at 8 p.m. Students at free to attend. For more information, contact Royce Reed at 915-5792.FAMU Connection AuditionsAuditions for the 2002-2003 FAMU connection will be held on April 8 at 7 p.m. in the Foster-Tanner music building choral room. Requirements for audition is a monologue or dramatic Presentation of a poem, and sing 16 bars of a song. Students also must be in good academic standing with at least a 2.0 g.p.a. Call backs will be conducted on April 9 at 7 p.m. For more information, call 561-2841 or see Mr. Wells in 112A Tucker Hall.

FAMU Gospel ChoirCome and celebrate Easter with the world renowned FAMU Gospel Choir. They will be holding their Annual Easter concert on March 31 at 7 p.m. at the Faith Chrisitian Family Center . The concert is free for all who wish to attend. For more information, contact Aaron Mckinney at 425-1953 or send an email at

Banc of America LuncheonBank of America Securities, the premier global investment bank will sponsor a luncheon from 12-2 p.m. on Paddyfoote lawn on April 4. They are looking to meet and greet prospective internship and permanent placement canddates for next year. So come out and get ready to network. For more information, contact Alcia Board at 413-1023.

2002 International ConferenceThe International Services and Summer Sessions’ study abroad program presents its Spring 2002 International Conference at the OMNI Jacksonville Hotel. The conference will be held April 10-12. This years theme is “Global Empowerment: Assessing the Value of a study Abroad Experience.” For more information, contact Karen Mitchell at 599-8884 or 599-3295.

Mr. and Miss FAMU CSA PageantCaribbean Student Association will hold a Pageant on April 4 at 7 p.m. in the Perry Paige Auditorium. This is a way to exhibit the talen and respect for Caribbean culture. For more information, contact Tara-Dee Whitely at 877-7202.

CSA Annual Awards BanquetA night of elegance to recognize all those that have worked hard for the Caribbean Student organization will be held on April 7 from 7-10 p.m. in the Baptist Student Union. For more information, contact Tara-Dee Whitely at 877-7202.

Compiled by Chanel Myers