Library Staffing: FAMU is requesting $200,000 to increase the library’s staff so the hours can be extended. FAMU wants the library, which now closes at 2 a.m., to stay open until 3 a.m. Security guards and more workers are needed during the extended hours.

Matching Funds for NSF HBCU-UP Award: FAMU is requesting $340,000 for the National Science Foundation, Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program. The HBCU-UP focus is to increase the number of African-American science, technology, engineering and mathematics students who will be eligible for admission to graduate schools.

Learning Development and Evaluation Center: FAMU is requesting $200,000 to purchase new technology and software, which allow students with learning disabilities new and exciting methods of learning.

Program in Medical Sciences: FAMU is requesting $340,946 for the PIMS program. This is a first-year medical school program to be conducted at FAMU in conjunction with the University of Florida and the University of South Florida Medical Schools.

Matching Funds for NSF/CREST Program: FAMU is requesting $330,00 for this program. It will include Florida International University, which will increase the number of minority students in science, math, engineering and technology at undergraduate and graduate levels.

College of Education: Educational Leadership: FAMU is requesting $250,000 for this program. This is a Ph.D. program designed in Educational Leadership for academic success in rural and urban areas.

Center for Excellence in Sciences: Physics, Computer Science, Biology and Chemistry: FAMU is requesting $250,000 to increase the number of African-American Ph.D. holders in computer science over the next 10 years.

Engineering Technology Equipment:FAMU is requesting $300,000 to keep the technology up to par for accreditation purposes. The program also needs an increase for the staff, faculty and student growth.

Sources: Revised Local Initiatives, 2002-2003 Legislative Budget Request – – compiled by Kelly Harmon