March unites Dayton community

The significance of marching has more emphasis than protesting; it helped to fulfill a dream.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream that all people, regardless of lineage or persuasion, would unite as one race, the human race.

In 1986, the celebration, commemoration, and reflection of King’s efforts and beliefs was made more accessible when the third Monday in January was set aside as Martin Luther King Day. People of a multitude of demographics choose to observe this occasion in countless ways. Not to mention the luxury of having a day off.

For the people of Dayton, Ohio, it’s more than just a day, it’s a week-long celebration culminating in a symbolic “Coming Together” march.

The week has nine featured events spanning from a church service to a scholarship fair, all of which embody some aspect of King’s dream.

The idea for the march came about on the campus of Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio.

The students of this historically black university initiated the march on their own, around 1968 to honor King’s birthday. It was later adapted and altered when the date became an official holiday.

Edith Epps an event participator believes, that the march is important because it brings together people who would normally never be in each other’s presence.

Rev. David Fox; SCLC member and the coordinator of the event said, the “Coming Together” march is a four points march, which means it begins in four different parts of the city equaling the ” white” and “black” sections and ends in the middle, which is Downtown Dayton, and at this time there are guest speakers.”

It is a community -based event that is essentially to bring Daytonians together as a whole.

Herliner Dunson an event participator said, “This is more than a [black thing] because of the fact that Dr. King’s beliefs transcend more than only the black community it encompass the community as a whole. Dr. King’s efforts where for the rights of all people.”

Dunson remembers being a youth in Georgia and the struggles that took place when Dr. King was a prominent figure.

This makes the celebration an even more cherished event to her. Dunson believes that it should be a family event. To her it is event. As a people we should at least pay homage to King by relaying his dream to generations to come.

The march for many people means different things. As for a small child made to march, they may not understand the ramifications.

For a spectator of the event it is also interesting to see the thousands of people of whom have never met walking amongst each other, sing spirituals, and carrying banners rejoicing Dr. King.

When older its understandable about the pride that is felt among the marchers and one too is swept up in the Rapture.

This makes one realize the power of a dream, community, patience and God King was one man who had a dream and with God’s help could make an entire country take notice of the travesty that had been inflicted as the result of pain and ignorance of human decency.

“This reflects on the history of African-Americans, but of America so as not to forget, so that it won’t happen again. This is symbolic of the possibility of Dr. King’s dream coming to pass and also the impact of Dr. King’s words.” Fox said.