Kill bin Laden in battle, not trial

 The nation has dealt with the threat of terrorism for a little over two months. It appears that progress is being made as the United States continues airstrikes over Afghanistan.

According to Victoria Clarke, spokeswoman for Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, the airstrikes have resulted in the deaths of senior members of the al-Qaida terrorist network and Taliban militia.

President George W. Bush has said he wants Osama bin Laden, “dead or alive,” but what if the latter occurs instead of the former?

What if Osama bin Laden is brought to the United States for trial, within a nation that considers him a persecutor of the American people?

America is in a fragile state whether we like to admit it or not. The American public has donned their American flags to show the resilience of our nation. However, they are scared to fly still remembering the events of Sept. 11.

Many lawmakers believe that bringing bin Laden for trial would only weaken the American spirit. They could not be more right.

“Putting bin Laden through the U.S. justice system is the last thing you want, because he’d tie up the courts for years, becoming a martyr with a megaphone,” said Rep. Ike Skelton, D-Mo.

Unfortunately, the American justice system will grant bin Laden a trial before any sentence is placed upon him.

That needs to be avoided. It’s better to kill him in the midst of battle than to bring him to the United States for trial. Bringing him here for trial would bring panic to an already fragile nation.

Besides, who would be bin Laden’s defense attorney?

Knowing the circumstances, he would probably have to defend himself.

No lawyer in the nation would want to be labeled as, “the guy who tried to get bin Laden off.”

We must alleviate bin Laden’s threat to the United States in every way possible.

Someone simply looking at his cause might say bin Laden coming to the United States vaguely resembles Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. walking down the streets of Montgomery in the late 50’s and early 60’s.

Bush asked for bin Laden dead or alive but every person who saw him make that statement knew that he cared nothing for bin Laden’s life.

The anger within the president has spread to his constituents.

Taking the life of a man is cold-hearted, but when that man is trying to destroy your life and your way of life, destruction is more than feasible. It is necessary.

-Antione Davis for the Editorial Board.